Hi Terrence!! Wonderful blog! It's about time someone got the word out there - that others are NOT ALONE when it comes to being afraid of Public Speaking. You speak for all communities, nationalities and in general the whole human race :-) When I looked at the top of your blog wall I saw "MyStory" all as one word and at first I thought it read "Mystery" hahaha until I clicked on it and realized...keep up the good work! I am now a follower. 
Darlene; Blogger of  http://ispeakfortheangels.blogspot.com

He lives up to the school's aspiration of moulding each and every student to be a a scholar, sportsman and gentleman....The experience gives him an edge over many others because organizing an overseas trip successfully and promoting inter-cultural exchange is not something that everybody does. Another feather in the cap for Terrence is clinching the 'Gentleman of the Year Award'; indeed he deserves it and I have full confidence in him being successful in his future undertakings.
Datin Maimun; Teacher Extraordinaire of Victoria Institution

I had found Terrence to be both brilliant in crucial marketing brainstorming and diligent in his execution; coupled with excellent proficiency in English and Bahasa Malaysia- thus making him a good assistant during our major publicity events and roadshows.
Ms. Christine; Senior Manager of Malaysia's Leading Jewellery Group

Terrence is someone who is really driven, wildly ambitious and absolutely passionate about life, you might have to up your standards just being around him! A perfect leader and great teacher. Despite being a total serious in work, he's a real charm when you do know him better eventually. Hope we could work again. Miss the days.
Joanne Lim Youth Activist 

***STAY TUNED: More Professional Testimonials Upcoming!***