Jan 21, 2011


First and foremost would be my gratitude to all of you my fellow family and friends for being such an ardent motivator to my works and mini-ventures; and after hearing much laments about my laziness to express my opinions in writing....for the benefits of many (ahem, ahem!):

You've WON.
As most of you had already known you can (and should) find me here: www.terrencetan.com from now onwards.

Many of you are followers or at least books/audio consumers of The Law of Attraction, The Secret, The Secret Behind The Secret, More to The Secret, Beyond The Secret, The Metasecret, The Power and the all the ding dongs that follow. You bought, you read, you shared, you watched, you tried and you flopped; the Guru said don't give up you heard you repeated the cycle and you failed. You're depressed, desperate and down. That's no good combo...

The Law is real but you had either been misled or you misled yourself. False expectations and worst non-existent follow up actions or worse wrong follow up actions.

It's not your fault. You might have missed the mark. So had I. But you will learn to appreciate it when you get it right in the coming 15 minutes when I share with you some personal insights.


What you focus on expands. You get it. At least you think so.
Here's what FOCUS signifies:
Whatever you insist (the positives) and resist (the negatives) persists.
I just built on what Carl Jung had observed.
The Gurus told you the Law cannot differentiate between what you want and what you dont want. Guess what? They are damn right.

Energy, Universe etc. operates (It's the God's Operation Manual) according to the Law of Karma, Cause/Effect or Newton's every action is matched with an equivalent reaction.
You feed your yourself, your experience by the active or passive actions/signals you give out....and soon those signals are interpreted as preferences and decisions....you keep beating yourself up....and that becomes your life and destiny...an endless cycle.
As to the more sinister Truth on why the energy fails to distinct between positives and negatives: Refer to the 7th hurdle.
Jesus said 'Resist Not Evil'. You ask..... then what should we do with evil?
Smart folks what do you feel he's trying to suggest? (If you found the answer, you' can be assured you're well ahead of many so- called high priests and wannabes).


This could be as fake as it gets.
Fake a smile long enough, and you starting to feel happy? 50:50.
Because this technique as powerful as it could potentially be is incomplete without observing the other hurdles here.

Jordan Belfort famously stated, "Act as if you're rich and wealthy already and you'll be rich. Act as if you know all the answers and the answers will come to you. Act as if you've unmatchable confidence and you'll be confident".

Allow me to explain how this works.
A student approached his teacher for his secret of becoming the proclaimed World's No. 1 Business Guru.
His teacher replied, "Because I'm confident. Damn confident. More than any of my clients.".
His student looking confused "Of course you're. But that's because you're the World's No. 1 Business Guru".
His teacher shaked his head in amusement and said "You don't become confident because you're the World's No. 1 Business Guru; you become the World's No. 1 Business Guru because you're confident".

It's a reverse psychology. First you set yourself up as a 'World's No. 1 Business Guru' or higher and then you started to feel responsible to live up to your self- proclaimed reputation or branding, you put in more work, you go the extra mile in service, you begin to talk like one, dress like one, learn like one, live like one and hence you finally become it. The World's No. 1 Business Guru.


Stephen Covey's ground- breaking bestseller The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People may be an ancient relic but there's one section that hit me in the eye and stopped me from further rotting- it's the first chapter on Character vs Personality Ethics.

You see you could have attended every seminar on How to Talk to Anyone and Sell to Everyone but you just fall short of the glory promised. The techniques aren't faulty. If you want me to BS, I could but I refused to sweet talk. I want you to get your results, your dream, your relationship and whatever not. There's only one thing that could be faulty- it must be the Man.

You see, you could practised and rehearsed and repeated those pickup lines, drama scripts, fashion advice and martial arts guidebook until winter comes but you will still fail. I guarantee. Because each pickup line, each script, each fashion advice and fighting technique requires...ok it's DEMAND an equivalent character or spirit in the user to make them work. Unless you grown up as a man first, no pickup line has ever had any effect but stupidity. Those are confidence builders so you can get your butt up to nurture a character; and when you successfully internalized a character you will throw away all the robotic sales/speeches scripts.

Here's the catch: Character vs Mask. Motion vs Technique. Even if you're so persuasive in acting like somebody you're not, you'll screw up when an unexpected moment turns up- you'll said to yourself ,"I've not read such a scenario presented in the guidebook what should I do or the instructor hasn't taught me how to apply such arm- grapple in a tight space". You lack flexibility. The ultimate test for a homo sapiens is the test of Character.

To be continued.

Stay tuned for PART TWO of 'THE LAW OF ATTRACTION & YOUR SEVEN HURDLES TO MASTERY' by yours truly Terrence W.H. Tan; consummate public speaker, radical marketer, modern day philosopher and the lover of many trades. Join Terrence at www.terrencetan.com. Stay awesome.

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